2012年3月6日 星期二


Must I tell you more the wonderfulness of MyBrowserCash that I have known for few months now? Okay, let me recap for those who are new in here. The first part of FAQ explains lots of it.
“How Does My Browser Cash Work & How Do I Earn Money With MyBrowserCash?Answer: It’s Simple. My BrowserCash is a software application that allows you to earn money doing what you already do, browsing the internet! (Using Firefox, Internet Explorer or Chrome). Unlike most “Paid To Click” & “Paid To Read” sites, you do not have to be logged into the members area to earn cash Browsing the web.
Our software lets you browse just like you normally would but earn cash for viewing, clicking or taking action on advertisements. While you go about searching and browsing as you normally would, every so often our system will display advertisements (or by embedding them seemlessly into sites you visit so you will be making money and not even knowing it!).
We have multiple ways of showing advertisements and we keep them as non-intrusive as possible. You will see popups once and a while, and sometimes words on pages will be linked to advertisers, and when searching or browsing a site you may see a little text ad on the site. Popups and text boxes are branded with the MyBrowserCash name. For the most part you won’t see much difference from your normal browsing experience. We then take the money generated from these ads and share it with you!”
Present Status: There are 159,000 members now, but I hardly having more than 400 referrals of whom most of them are not promoting and active (don’t ask me why,… well maybe they thought it is too little to earn). They won’t make much while others are making money through the purchase of referral shares and direct referral earnings too. It sounds just about me. I started earning about $0.20 (so less referrals) daily for a month, but now LOOK AT WHAT I GOT DAILY..OVER $40.00 Now AND SOON WILL BE MORE. The hint is to buy referral shares and be aggressive in your campaign for friends to join.
ARE YOU NOT CONVINCED YET? Look now seriously. It is spreading like wild fire after they are perfecting their software and programs. Please click the banner above or just click here, and you are on your way earning everyday, I repeat, everyday just like me, without fail.
Isn’t that wonderful for working from home? YES, Of Course
Use the program if you want to advertise your products, so that I too can click and read it. There are so many members who are taking this golden opportunity. Join in now. It is free. However if you upgrade on this program, you will start making lots of money.
This is a simple way to make money. Join and download software. You will be paid for browsing internet.
Use firefox or internet explorer for this program. The best way to earn is to upgrade to silver or gold. The prices are within your affordable range. Every time you get to pay your subscription, you will get referral shares.
You can also buy referral shares, just like I have done. The shares will increase your daily earning by 0.11 usd per share. I really enjoy this program because you can see your money grows daily.
This is advertising program. More than 149,000 members now. You can advertise your products. As you browse around you can see the adverts appear. Make sure to click them so that your browsing can be said effective.
Click the banner if you want to join, and don’t hesitate, because they will start paying you right on.
Enjoy it. See you from inside
Thanks, zulmdnoor

